The Sadie Lady

The Sadie Lady
Sadie is waiting patiently for her new friend!
This web site is dedicated to our daughter in China, where ever she is! It is a place for family and friends who want to follow us along as we untangle the red thread of international adoption and bring her home!

Days Since LID

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanksgiving Eve

We all slept in a little this morning, then Sherrie and I started making appetizers (beefy cheese dip and crab dip), pumpkin pie and a cherry pie. She and Jeff hung the pictures we picked up yesterday. Jeff worked on getting the tables moved down to the backyard and running errands to town for stuff we forgot yesterday. Steve got here around one. We were still chopping stuff for gumbo and roped him into slicing all the cheese to go with the sausage Jeff was going to cook on the grill. Ray and Karen showed up around four. The three guys finished carrying stuff down to the back. The evening was a blast, we had a great time and hope to do it again next year. Several neighbors and their kids came. Judy and her mother came down also. I was so glad that Karen, Ray and Steve finally got to meet Sherrie, they've heard me talk about her for years. Here's a few pictures from the evening.

The wind started picking up during the afternoon and we thought we would have to cancel the bonfire. But by 7pm it had died down. I was up at the house directing someone down to the back when Jeff lit the fire. All I remember was seeing a big swoosh and the whole back yard lighting up. That's Jeff standing by it with the little bucket of water. We had to build a little fire off to the side so the kids could roast their hot dogs.

Finally the fire died down enough that we were able to sit around it!

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