The Sadie Lady

The Sadie Lady
Sadie is waiting patiently for her new friend!
This web site is dedicated to our daughter in China, where ever she is! It is a place for family and friends who want to follow us along as we untangle the red thread of international adoption and bring her home!

Days Since LID

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Chimney Rock, NC

Chimney Rock Park, NC

Today we loaded up in the Chevelle and headed for Chimney Rock (all the beautiful scenes from Last of the Mohicans were filmed there, and also Dirty Dancing .) It's about an hour from our house and the foliage color is at it's peak this week. We walked out to the falls then had a quick lunch back at the car. Spent a little time walking through the shops in town. We were thinking about going to Bat Cave but Jeff and I have never been there and didn't know exactly where it was. I had the misfortune of asking one of the clerks in a shop, "What is at the Bat Cave?" She looked at me kind of odd and said, "Bats," which Sherrie promptly replied, "She doesn't get out much and we have to take her back in an hour!"

I love this picture of Sherrie with the falls in the background

Sadie, Stacey and Sherrie

Pool that runs off over the falls

Picnic Lunch: Sadie Always has Her Own Chair

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