The Sadie Lady

The Sadie Lady
Sadie is waiting patiently for her new friend!
This web site is dedicated to our daughter in China, where ever she is! It is a place for family and friends who want to follow us along as we untangle the red thread of international adoption and bring her home!

Days Since LID

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Blog Info Turned Love Letter

The first reason we started this blog was to have one place to keep family and friends informed about the adoption. It seemed a better idea than sending out e-mails to everyone. I knew I would forget to add this or that person to the distribution list and I would forget to send a message about this detail or that one. A blog seemed to be the answer.

Then as we joined adoption groups on yahoo and started talking to other parents, we found out that a lot of them make scrap books for their kids documenting the whole process. Well I know the odds of me getting a scrap book done are near next to 0%. I'm not a scrap book person and our photo's are in shoe boxes and zip-loc bags hidden and tucked away all over the house (not including all the pictures saved on our hard drive). In fact I just had to look "scrap book" up in the dictionary and discovered that "scrapbook" is one word. Writing is more up my alley than "cutting and pasting". Therefore, effective today, the focus of this "adoption info" web-site is now "a long letter to our daughter".

Now that sounds like a lot more fun to me than scrapbooks and I have lots of ideas about topics to include: the adoption stuff, stories from our pasts, stories about her relatives, what her daddy and I did during the long wait and who we are. Then, finally I'll download the whole thing into a book. I can handle the technical aspects of book making software, resizing photographs, formatting text, etc., but leave the "scissors" to someone else.

Darling Daughter,

I am saving a bunch of stuff for you in a folder in the file cabinet. Maybe when you are a little older we will sort through it on rainy days and get it into a scrapbook. It would be funner to do it with you anyway.

So we'll start out right now with a little bit about your aunt. Rest assured there will be lots more to come about this girl! Your Aunt Carla spent a small fortune on a scrapbook supplies. I'm sure we can borrow some of it and we will probably be the first ones to tear open the packages of pretty stickers, because as far as I know she has only made one scrapbook page since she got all that stuff. She's not a scrapbook person either; maybe you and your cousin will be the scrapbook people and can organize all our lives in scrapbooks.



P.S You'll have to ignore my "run-on" sentences, I'm historically known for them.

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