We didn't get to bed last night until 2 am with the delayed flights yesterday. Then were up at 0600 for an appointment at
Helen Taylors office at 0700. She and I have been friends for a long time; I took some of my accounting classes under her at Missouri Western. She has also been our accountant since I opened WTS in 1996 and I saw no reason to change when we moved to South Carolina. She graciously prepared our adoption paper work at no charge!

Got back from Helen's and started helping Carla with some stuff, card tables, food, etc. Everybody got there around 1100. Next year Carla said she would send out a "food" list since we had 4 corn dishes and 5 different kinds of cranberry sauce. I don't think that has ever happened in our family.
Kayleigh was a highlight of the party. This was the first time we got to meet her and she is a cutie! She looks just like her mom when she was little.

After we had dinner, everyone gathered in the family room to open presents. I wish I had written down exactly what Carla said, but I didn't. I don't think there was a dry eye in the place after Carla talked about the hardships they had faced in the last year and how our family and God had been faithful to them all along. She said they had decided to move along with their adoption plans and that their baby would have a cousin when we brought our baby girl home from China!
Merry Christmas